Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Panda Chloe Takeover

Panda Chloe

On some real life shit.. this might be the most true friend that I have encountered . I met her under some uncomfortable circumstances and being the real women that we are we grown past that. Chloe Natasha Arnette I love you as my friend, my sister, ride or die.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lux Mondays with All4One

Come out show love and party wit All4One!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lux Mondays at Karmasutra W/ All4One

You guys should come to Karmasutra on Mondays. Say All4One at the door for free entry before 1AM LADIES. Gentlemen free before 12 on All4One list. This is the place to be lots of attractive people.